Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 8, 2015

A Minecraft Add-on To Teach Kids Coding and Programming Skills

August 10, 2015
LearnToMod is a Minecraft add-on to help students learn coding and programming skills through creating interactive mods to the game. LearnToMod, which we discovered through this article from The Guardian, offers a Modding Studio where students get to experiment with coding using two powerful programming languages. It also enables them to collaboratively learn from each other by exchanging code and remixing codes that others have written.

Related: Minecraft Released A New Website to Help Teachers Use Minecraft in Their Classes

LearnToMod offers a wide variety of resources geared towards helping students learn to mod. These include video lessons, puzzles, quizzes and many more.It also provides a private server where users can test their mods and share them with their friends. Unfortunately, learnToMod is not free. It comes with a one year subscription for $30.

Check out the video below to learn more about LearnToMod

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