MOOCs (Massive Ope Online Courses) are definitely a game changer in today's education. The emergence and popularization of MOOCs is due primarily to the widespread of internet connection and to the advance of web 2.0 technologies. MOOCs now are being offered by some prestigious colleges and institutions. The list below, curated from Detroit Chapter, features what we consider as the top 4 MOOCs' providers.
1- iTunes U
2- Harvard Open Courses
The prestigious Harvard university offers free courses that are available through its Harvard Extension School’s open learning initiative. These courses are non credit and you don’t need to register to access them.
3- Open Yale
"Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn."
“MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity…Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.”
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